Page name: Castle of Darkness & Destruction [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-09-17 01:21:41
Last author: de Morte
Owner: de Morte
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Castle of Darkness and Destruction 


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Special thanks to [Nazarath.93] for this banner!

Welcome dearest friends and darkest foes, you have stumbled into my castle.
Don't be afraid there are only vengeful ghosts and hidden passages.
If you stray then there will be no way to find you.
Inside this castle you can not orb to any place... or for that sake you can not orb on these grounds only I may orb,and that is because my family cast the spell in our family blood.
I, [de Morte], am the mistress of this place and have been for hundreds of years, only I know the many secrets of this place.
Now enter and rest (leads you in to the grand hall) stay as long as you wish, and please, do not kill the servants, humans rarely come to my home, you may drink their blood though.

Once you enter my house hold there are only a few rules;
1 No killing of the servants
2 Do not get lost (I will not look for you)
3 Please refrain from damaging the furniture, if there is a fight though, this can not be helped
4 No cybering although sexual references are allowed
5 Spell locked rooms are to be kept closed and will result in injury or death of you part.

New Members!
Please go to Castle of Darkness & Destruction Points

Point System</b>
For many services done and jobs finished I will award you points. I will list you points and name on a different page
Castle of Darkness & Destruction Points
when you reach 50 points then I will post a comment on you new rank.

Note there is no limit to the ranks as of this moment, but if I need to, then there will be a limit


We now have a sister Wiki †vampires†!!!

A Little Description...
Well if you would like a quick tour... I haven't finished this page so I will give you a very general layout. There are 5 floors in the main building and a tower thats roughly 10 stories, its very calming (although the servants aren't allowed up there, they might jump)Please don't mind if there is a bit of a mess there if you decide to go.

^West hall- Torture rooms and the dungeons
^North hall- Workout rooms
^East hall- Feeding chambers

First floor;
^Main entrance
^Grand Hall (North)
^East Wing- Guest rooms
^West Wing- Servant quarters

Second floor;
^East Wing- Library
^West Wing- offices & study rooms

Third floor;
^Family bedrooms
^Locked doors

Fourth floor;
^Locked doors
^Magic rooms
^Spell rooms

Fifth floor;
^Locked doors
^Storage rooms

^Graveyard is behind the castle to the east
^In the basement(east) there is A particularly strong ghost
^The stables are in the front west of the castle
^There are many groves and woods surrounding the castle grounds.
^The Castle is on a higher level than most of the rest of the surrounding land.
^There are three villages around the castle
   ~Talon is the closest at six miles to the south
   ~Arrowwood is the next closest at fourteen miles east
   ~Solenthine is fifteen miles to the southwest;vid=47133658

I, among a few others, have noticed that this wiki is getting nowhere.
So now I decided that every week or so (however long it takes) there will be tasks to complete. Whoever wins these tasks (there may be multiple winners) will get points and their ranks may go up!

Missing: </b>

Username (or number or email):


[Nazarath.93]: *traces fangs along crimson's neck and whispers* this is how i survive, but i treated you so well earlier because i wanted to know if you were a good person. I still have a respect for those who deserve life. and sadly i will have to drink from you, but i promise i wont kill you, and that you will wake up in your bed tommorrow. so please forgive me. *bites into crimson's neck and drinks blood rapidly as the shadow world around us began to fade away*

[Crimson Mistress]: *a small gasp escapes her lips and she tenses in his arms, her heartbeat quickening as he drank from her. Slowly she grew weaker, and her blue eyes had to strain to see the forest that was again coming into focus around them.*

[Nazarath.93]: *drinks until you pass out then carries you to a bed in the castle and lets you sleep*

[Crimson Mistress]: *moans softly in her sleep, the shadow of a frown crossing her unconscious features. Her breathing was regular and soft and she fell into a dream*

[Nazarath.93]: *streaks crimsons hair back* sleep softly.

[Crimson Mistress]: *her face relaxes into peaceful slumber, a faint smile touching the corner of her lips*

[Nazarath.93]: *removes her shoes and pulls a quilt up on her then telepathically to all other vampires/ demons* dont touch her.

[Tainted_blood]: ... how was that not fun?!? thats my question here... why do u think im the way I am ... its all fun and games to me and it should be for you all too *walks away into the shadows of the night dissapearing*

[Tainted_blood]: ooc:happy new years everybody

[Crimson Mistress]: [ooc: Thanks! You too. Happy new years all!]

[Nazarath.93]: killing harmless mortals is not fun, but drinking from vampires is so much fun

[Crimson Mistress]: *in her dreams she walks through a heavy veil of darkness. Time had no meaning here, and silence was complete. Slowly, she became conscious of a faint light, a vague luminous whisp that had no form. She found herself moving towards it with growing desperation, yet she could not reach it.*

[Nazarath.93]: *turns around and faces crimson* i hope she isnt having nightmares. when she awakens im going to take her away from here, wherever she wants to go. and as long as my fangs burn deep scars in her neck she wont be touched again by any vampire or demon.

[Tainted_blood]: well yes drinking from vampires is fun ... heehee gotta love it but ... who said anything about harmless mortals?? duh haha

[Nazarath.93]: hehehe, there is not a single mortal who could even prove me a challenge anymore. so drinking from them is really boring. if i wanted some fun then maybe i would drink from you.

[Crimson Mistress]: *Suddenly the light takes shape and comes at her, envelopping her in a blinding light. Before she wakes, she sees her father's face twisted into a hateful grimace.* *awakes with a start, sitting up reflexively and taking in her surroundings.*

[Nazarath.93]: *crimson notices a jet black coffin lying next to the bed, and its slightly open.*

[Crimson Mistress]: *gathers herself, folding her legs beneath herself, and looks at the coffin for a long moment, her blue eyes unreadable* So it wasn't a dream. *shivers unconsciously*

[Nazarath.93]: *slow breathing come from the coffin curiosly*

[Crimson Mistress]: *her curiousity gets the best of her and she moves closer to the coffin slowly, peering through the small opening*

[Nazarath.93]: *coffin flys open and the sun blackens out, as nazarath sits up perfectly straight* good morning *yawns*

[Crimson Mistress]: *drawns back hastily* Goodmorning...

[Nazarath.93]: *smirks* dont worry i wont hurt you anymore. Yesterday you were running from something, so as payment for the fear i put you through i will take you anywhere on earth to get away.

[Crimson Mistress]: *arches an eyebrow at [Nazarath.93]* Why should I believe you?

[Nazarath.93]: well, first off, your in a castle filled with vampires and demons who would drink your blood and make you a slave without my protection. and if you tried to run the mistress would kill you, so either you belive me and get to get away from here , or....something more unpleasent.

[Crimson Mistress]: *nods her head slightly, allowing herself to slowly relax but still regarding him with a measure of distrust* That doesn't leave me much of a choice, does it? *she manages a slight smile*

[Nazarath.93]: not really, but *nods head to the desk which has a wooden stake and a hammer on it* if you wish me harm now is your last chance.

[Crimson Mistress]: *she frowns as she glances between the stake and Nazarath. She rises slowly to her feet.* Why are you telling me this..?

[Nazarath.93]: cause i want you to do whatever makes you happy, if you are angry towards me then i want you to strike me before i let you go anywhere. im not your master and i cant command you to do anything so if you want to feel free to take the stake. or come with me to anywhere you desire. but if you stake me then youll be running again.

[Crimson Mistress]: *she lifts her hand to neck, her fingertips lightly touching the place where he had bitten her. She took a breath to calm herself. Her hand drops back to her side and though she flexes her fingers, she does not go for the stake.* I don't know where I could go. *she answers finaly*

[Nazarath.93]: you can always stay with me. if you have nowhere to go, besides the stake wouldnt kill me thats just a vulgar myth. i would only pretend to die to quiet your anger. But as long as im alive and you have the marks on your neck no other vampire will touch you unless you and i will it. so either way you have my protection.

[Crimson Mistress]: *for a long moment, she contemplated his words. Her gaze travelled the room, then came to rest on him. Her blue eyes were thoughtful.* I will stay here, where ever that is.. until I find somewhere to go. *she hesitated, then offered him a gentle smile* Thank you, Nazarath...

[Nazarath.93]: no, dont thank me this makes us even. But be sure that everybody here remembers that your with me or else you could be eaten, and they wont spare you like i did.

[Crimson Mistress]: *she nods her head* I will be sure to remind them. *Although her smile lignered on her lips, she planned on getting out of here as soon as possible.*

[Tainted_blood]: *walks in to room with nazarath and Crimson looking still asleep* ... sorry ... wrong room... bye

[Nazarath.93]: dont worry, i know your planning on leaving soon, i can read every thought.

[Tainted_blood]: *walks back in* oh and i might have to hold u to what u said ealirer about biting me

[Crimson Mistress]: *watches the exchange that passes between the two vampires with ciriousity. To her own surpise, it did not take her long to accept the idea that she was staying with a vampire in a castle of similar creatures. That he could read her mind did not suprise her, but it frustrated her.* *she dropped her eyes*

[Nazarath.93]: *places hand under crimson's chin and gently pushes her face up ward to look at me* dont think of me as your worst nightmare, think of me as your gaurdian, whatever you want in this castle while you stay here you can have. remember you are my guest not my slave. Now please excuse me but i have some urgent....matters to attend to. *follows angel*

[Crimson Mistress]: *allows Nazarath to lift her gaze and gives a slight nod of her head, accepting his words*

[de Morte]: dear friends sorry i have not been able to comment in here... i am currently grounded and if it would be possible i would like one of you to send me a summary about the ongoings of this wiki... thank you

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: *walks out to crimson and nazarath looks at crimsons neck* oh i see that nazarath has.. staken his claim...*telepathicly to nazarath* ~so, any resons?~

[Crimson Mistress]: *looks over a [Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata] as he enters, her blue eyes flickering over him, then she looks back to the door* You could say that.. *she answers shortly. Then an idea occurs to her and she summons a smile to her lips* Do you think you could show me around this place? I am new after all... *and she wanted to get her bearings*

[Nazarath.93]: *walks next to angel* so are you still holding me to the whole biting you thing?

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: I'm not totaly sure about this castle, you see it's my sister de Morte's and she doesnt whant us to wander or go into... some doors..... for instance this one, *opens door that leads to the wall* nothing. But there are some very speacial doors, so if you need directions go find de Morte, sorry I cant help you.

[Crimson Mistress]: *nods her head slowly, deciding she'd just have to explore this place herself* You must know some if you are living here, do you think that you could direct me to somewhere that I could get cleaned up? *she looked down at the dirt that had stained her white shirt and jeans*

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: hmm... your chambers are down the hall to the left, third door, the bathrooms strate across and two to the right.*points in general direction exposing my razer sharp finger nails*

[Crimson Mistress]: *notices his nails and shudders inwardly, but since she didn't want him to see her shudder, she forced a smile* Thanks. *she moves towards the door*

[Tainted_blood]: ooc:sry im grounded untill the 24th so ... sorry guys

[de Morte]: *enters room* crimson, do you need any help finding anything in particular?

[Crimson Mistress]: *glances over at de Morte and smiles* Yes, ma'am. I would appreciate it very much if you could offer me a room.. I'm not sure if Nazarath wants me staying in his.. *she bowed her head politely to the woman, feeling that she was the Mistress of this castle*

[de Morte]: well of course you may take residence! *smiles gently* well follow then *waves crimson mistress over while gliding over to the east hall...*

[Crimson Mistress]: Thank you, *smiles politely and follows the woman*

[Nazarath.93]: telepathically to de morte* shes not a servent, shes my guest so give her a room, not a cell.

[de Morte]: to nazarath .:don't worrie:.

[Nazarath.93]: *lays in coffin again and sleeps*

[Crimson Mistress]: *pauses and looks at [de Morte] questioningly*

[de Morte]: don't worrie dear .... nazarath just wanted to ask me something... *leads [Crimson Mistress] into one of the many suetes this will be your room, if you don't want to sleep in the bed then there is a coffin in the closet that you may take out. *curtseys and fades out*

[Crimson Mistress]: *glances at the coffin and raises her eyebrows* The bed will be ... *she went to look back at [de Morte], but she was already gone* .. fine..

[Nazarath.93]: *telepathically to crimson* whats wrong with a coffin?

[Crimson Mistress]: *her eyes widen and she looks around herself. She recognized the voice, but where was it coming from?* I've never slept in one... and it's never particularly appealed to me... being alive and all... *she said, slightly bemused*

[Nazarath.93]: *laughs a little* its your coffin my love, enjoy it. many never know what it feels like to sleep in a coffin.

[Crimson Mistress]: *allows herself a slight smile, again eyeing the coffin* My coffin? *that's a comforting thought.., yet it intrigued her* We will see, mi'lord.

[Nazarath.93]: *laughs more* i was only toying with you. *giggles wickedly*

[Crimson Mistress]: *she just shook her head and sat down on the offered bed, closing the room's door behind herself* Right. Where are you anyway? *she didn't like the idea of having him in her head*

[Nazarath.93]: *a portion of the bed sinks down as if it is being sat on, and a voice comes from the spot* im right here.

[Crimson Mistress]: *looks at the part of the bed that had moved, moving slightly in the oposite direction* You're invisible now? *she asked skepticaly, but the bed had just moved and clearly he had proved capable of other such things*

[Nazarath.93]: *turns visible* many things i am capable of, i take them as luxurys from having a miserable after life of a vampire. I consider it compensation for having to kill on a nightly basis.

[de Morte]: re appears in my rooms and decides to wander through the secret passages

[Crimson Mistress]: *moves even farther away, now sitting on the edge of the bed* To be invisible would have its perks... *she agreed* Is it really that miserable to be undead? *a slight shudder crept up her spine. He had to kill nightly? Why wasn't she dead?*

[Nazarath.93]: yes, quite. Most mortals wish for invincibility, but after 800 years of living, death would be no small relief to me. but i didnt kill you because i felt you deserved to live.

[Crimson Mistress]: I wouldn't mind being invisible, *she admits, deciding not to question about his age. She looks away from him* How is it that you know what I am thinking?

[Nazarath.93]: i can read thoughts, you see i have many more powers than you know. *crimson's hair moves back as if i was streaking my hand through it*. that is one of the many.

[Crimson Mistress]: *tenses as she feels his touch, yet cannot see it. Then you have me at an unfair dissadvantage, sir, she thought* What other... powers do you have? *she asks hesitantly*

[Nazarath.93]: *smiles* if you want to see them all they may frighten you. *body turns black, as if i were made from shadow and when i become colored again i look exactly like crimson, smiles and talks in your voice*that is also one.

[Crimson Mistress]: *grins wryly and runs her own fingers through her black hair, still feeling odd about his invisibility trick* I've always wondered what it'd be like to be face to face with myself.

[Nazarath.93]: *turns back to normal* anything else you would like to see? or perhaps you want to go flying with me in the night air?

[Crimson Mistress]: *watches him, her features softening into a look appraoching amazement* Flying..? *asks in quiet disbelief, her grin becoming a genuin smile* I'd love that.

[Nazarath.93]: *holds out hand*

[Crimson Mistress]: *hesitates only a moment, then reaches out and accepts his hand*

[Nazarath.93]: *pulls you close into my arms and lifts off the ground and flys out the window into the sky*

[Crimson Mistress]: *wraps her arms around Nazarath tightly, trembling slightly because of the cold air, but smiling as she looked around herself* This is amazing.. *she whispers. Flying had always been one of her personal fantasies*

[Nazarath.93]: *flies into the clouds and lays on back in the clouds and floats there*

[Crimson Mistress]: *the moisture from the clouds chilled her human body, but fascinated her human mind. Her grip around him did not loosen as she looked at the clouds, then at him* Thank you.. *she says quietly*

[Nazarath.93]: *drops from the sky and lands softly back in your room* your welcom

[Crimson Mistress]: *closes her eyes at the abrupt movement and slowly opens one, then the other when they were back in her room*

[Nazarath.93]: that is flying.

[Crimson Mistress]: *she nods her head and releases him quickly, withdrawing her touch and sitting down on the bed, now shivering uncontrolably* Yes, that's flying. *she smiled*

[Nazarath.93]: *slowly walks towards the door.* call me if u need me. goodnight.

[Crimson Mistress]: *she nods her head slightly* Ah, before you go, do you think you could tell me where I could find some dry - and preferably warm - clothes?

[Nazarath.93]: *points to closet*

[Crimson Mistress]: Thank you. *she says simply, rising to her feet and stepping towards the closet* Oh, and.. please stay out of my head? *her words were soft*

[Nazarath.93]: im gone dont worry

[Crimson Mistress]: *she again nods he head*

[Nazarath.93]: sweet dreams human girl *blows kiss*

[Crimson Mistress]: And you as well, Vampire Lord. *smiles slightly*

[Nazarath.93]: *bows slightly and walks to room*

[Crimson Mistress]: *opens the closet doors and pulls out a black shirt, jeans and a trenchcoat. Stripping, she donned the new clothes and flexed her shoulders experimentaly.* Much better. Now.. to explore this place. *she made a mental list of places to find: exits, bathrooms, Nazarath's room, hiding places..*

[Nazarath.93]: *lays down in coffin and sleeps again*

[Crimson Mistress]: *steps through the open door of her room into the hallway, looking back and memorizing the door so she could find it again. It has a peculiar design in the wood, one that resembled a cross. She would not forget it. Turning her back on the door and the room, she began to wander through the hallways, one hand trailing lightly against the cool stone of the wall*

[Nazarath.93]: *starts to wonder what will happen when he awakens, what will crimson be doing?*

[Crimson Mistress]: *she had taken the left corridor and the first thing that she stumbles on is the lavatory. Peering inside, she does not enter but consciously remembers where it is. She comes to a dead end, an old painting adorning the wall directly in front of her.*

[Nazarath.93]: *eyes open 'i wonder what her ring was for'*

[Crimson Mistress]: *she eyes the painting curiously for a moment, appearing to be admiring the artwork, but actually looking for a secret passage way. This seemed like the sort of castle with secret passage ways, and this seemed like the perfect spot. The hand that was trailing against the wall paused as she examined it more closely*

[Nazarath.93]: *rolls over and thinks*

[Crimson Mistress]: *glancing around herself to ensure that she was alone as far as she could tell, shuddering a bit at the idea of having an invisible vampire following her. Then she reached into her pocket and drew for the ring. It appeared old if not ancient and it was adorned with two snakes which entertwined around each other and were both 'biting' a stone of obsydian at the center. It was heavy and made out of a dark silver.* Guide me. *she whispered*

[Nazarath.93]: *felt a presence of a strange magic and turned invisible and shot out of coffin*

[Crimson Mistress]: *she felt a gentle tugging at her soul and she extended a hand obediantly, pressing the palm of her hand against a stone just to the right of the painting. As she did so it moved back and sideways to reveal the handle to a doorway. The painting, she realized, was the doorway*

[Nazarath.93]: *turned into bats and flew quickly through the doorway*

[Crimson Mistress]: [which doorway?]

[Nazarath.93]: [through the painting]

[Crimson Mistress]: *was about to step through the doorway when the flock of bats rushed by her. She gasps and jumps back, startled into silence and tucking the ring back into her pocket as quickly and subtly as she could*

[Nazarath.93]: *dissapears*

[Crimson Mistress]: *stands perfectly still, looking around uneasily. What are the chances that that was actually just bats? she wondered, but spoke just in case* If you're there, whoever you are, show yourself.. *she felt odd talking to herself*

[Nazarath.93]: *still invisible, reaches out and touches the ring*

[Crimson Mistress]: [It's in my pocket?]

[Nazarath.93]: [invisible and intangable, i can reach it]

[Crimson Mistress]: *feels the slightest pressure, her senses hightened by uncertainty and suppressed fear. She sidesteps away from the (perhaps imaginary) touch* Nazarath..? *she asks again, this time choosing a name*

[Nazarath.93]: *shoots back and crawls up wall and back to room*

[Crimson Mistress]: *listens to the silence for a few moments, before cautiously returning her attention to the passage doorway. She didn't hesitate, stepping through the doorway and into the shadowy passage. The painting swings shut behind herself and the brick moves back into place.* Nowhere to go but forwards.. *she began to walk slowly down the passage, her hands outstretched to touch each wall so she didn't lose her way or her balance*

[Nazarath.93]: *turns back intangable and beings to run back to the end of the corridor*

[Crimson Mistress]: *continues to walk though the secret passage way in the dark, her shuffled footsteps echoing loudly to her ears. She began to wonder when she would reach the end and where it might lead her. Should she use the ring again?*

[Nazarath.93]: *runs through crimson and runs to the end of the corridor*

[Crimson Mistress]: *feels stalked, almost like someone is there, but yet she was alone. Taking a calming breath, she fumbled through her pocket and withdrew the ring slipping it on to her finger, she whispers* Lead me..

[Nazarath.93]: *reaches the end and stands there waiting*

[Crimson Mistress]: *the gentle hum of the ring reassured her and she soon stood at the end of the passage, her hands groping in the darkness, looking for the exit*

[Nazarath.93]: where did u get that ring?

[de Morte]: *walks through the passages alone, listening to the endless silence of the forgotten halls....*

[de Morte]: *stops suddenly and turns into shadows, hearing someone in a distant hall, i follow the auras...*

[Crimson Mistress]: *freezes, but relaxes slightly as she recognizes the voice* So it was you. *she said, evading the question, still looking for the exit*

[Nazarath.93]: yes, i was going to leave u to yourself, i feel meddlesome to keep following you, but where did u get that ring?

[de Morte]: *turns around a corner and sees [Crimson Mistress] and [Nazarath.93] ... still in the guise of shadows... after a bit i wander off unnoticed...*

[Nazarath.93]: *eyes wander as i sharply notice de morte but say nothing*

[Crimson Mistress]: [we're in a secret passage way, but whatever *smiles*] I got it from a dead man. *she answered simply, finding the pannel that opened the passage and stepped out into the room it lead to. Casting her gaze around, she figured that it seemed to be some sort of a kitchen*

[Nazarath.93]: who might this dead man be? *looks curiosly*

[Crimson Mistress]: His name was Nathaniel Mahrkonr, *she answered over her shoulder, not turning back to face him. It was a small sign of trust, that she allowed herself to turn her back to him. Yet still she evaded his questioning as best she could.*

[Nazarath.93]: *grimaced face and thought,' i know this name, but from where? and the magic of this ring seems so familliar'* where did u get it?

[Crimson Mistress]: *she glances over her shoulder* I don't see why that concerns you, my lord.

[Nazarath.93]: *smiles and laughs a little* very well. keep your secrets. sorry to have disturbed you. *flies away to bedroomI*

[Crimson Mistress]: *sighs and goes back to exploring the kitchen. It was unextraordinary, but at least she knew where she could find food. Quietly, she began to retrace her steps, seaking the solitude of her chamber*

[Tainted_blood]: [occ:Im baaaaack haha miss me? i bet u did] *wandering through hallways looking for something interessting*

[Crimson Mistress]: [occ: welcome back ^_^] *sees [Tainted_blood] in he hallway and pauses, stepping back into the shadows to let her pass and hopefully remain unoticed*

[Tainted_blood]: *walks by Crimson* you know even hiding in the shadows cant keep you out of my sight *turns to Crimson*

[Crimson Mistress]: *looks over at [Tainted_blood] then sighs and leans back against the stone wall* I don't suppose there is any way that I could keep myself out of a vampire's sight if I tried. Is there?

[Tainted_blood]: Theres apparently ways out there but i havent seen them *smiles exposing fangs in the light* but why would u want to stay out of our sight anyways ... you're a resident here now I wouldnt dare hurt you

[Crimson Mistress]: That doesn't mean that I want to be completely vulnerable. *says politely, silently thanking Nazarath for his protection*

[Tainted_blood]: well just so you know u can be because noone would dare even touch you while you live here

[Crimson Mistress]: No offence.... *she sighs softly* but I have difficulty trusting a vampire. *she lifts her blue eyes to angel's face, studying her curiously*

[Tainted_blood]: *stood still as a stone* oh you dont need to worry about me Im actually very friendly once u get used to me im just a little uptight right now about some things *looks at the ground*

[Crimson Mistress]: *hesitates a moment, then gestures to the wall beside herself with a slight inclination of her head* Want to talk about it...? *she asks gently*

[Tainted_blood]: *looks up smiling* naw thats ok, its kinda private haha but Id better get going now Im hungry and ... well... you know haha *walks through a wall and disapears*

[Nazarath.93]: *thinking in coffin 'Nathaniel Mahrkonr, where is that name sounds so...familliar, distinct like i knew him'*

[de Morte]: *materializes out of shadows and walks into the library*

[Tainted_blood]: *wanders the castle and finds the library and forgets about hunger* ooo a good book would be nice right now *takes a book from the shelf and sits in nice comfy chair in corner*

[Crimson Mistress]: *watches [Tainted_blood] disappear, just blinking as she stands still, paused in thought. She breathed a gentle sigh. Perhaps she had told Nazarath too much? That thought did not sit well with her.* Ah well.. it's too late now.. *shrugging her slender shoulders, she pushed herself away from the wall and made her way to her room*

[Tainted_blood]: this book is boring *stands up and puts book back on shelf and contiues wandering*

[Tainted_blood]: *as I wander deeper into places i havent been before I find a door ajar and wander in to find a torture chamber filled with fun toys* well why was I never informed of this... I couldve been having fun all this time ...

[Nazarath.93]: *lays there and thinks idly on the manner.*

[Tainted_blood]: *thinks to self* well since im alone this cant be any fun ... pfft that sucks *flies through ceiling for more adventuring*

[Tainted_blood]: *finds graveyard again and begins drawing things in the dirt above the graves*

[Nazarath.93]: *floats up behind angel* have you ever heard of Nathaniel Mahrkonr?

[Tainted_blood]: *turns around* the name rings a bell but I cant think from where ... but if I remember you'll be the first to know

[Nazarath.93]: this is a true mystery...*stops and thinks*

[Tainted_blood]: why do you want to know *turns back to drawings on the graves*

[Nazarath.93]: i dont know, it seems like a purpose that isnt known to me. there is something about this human girl that i brought in.

[Tainted_blood]: she seems innocent enough ... but I always senced there was something different about her*looks back at Nazarath*

[Nazarath.93]: There is something different about her...perhaps i should tap into her thoughts more.

[Tainted_blood]: good luck, I tried earlier ... I couldnt get to all her thoughts ... like some of them were protected or something ... it was strange

[Nazarath.93]: no, i just didnt think it proper to gaze into her thoughts, i can see them all if i wanted. But im even more surprised that her blood didnt tell me everything i wanted to know. perhaps she doesnt know what we think she does.

[Tainted_blood]: maybe, maybe not but then again blood doesnt tell everything

[Nazarath.93]: *smiles* it does if its laden with fear.

[Tainted_blood]: but what if she wasnt afraid ... what if she does know all about everything and this is all a cover... oh who am I kidding thats juts my insanity talking

[Nazarath.93]: no she was afraid, she fears me more than anything right now, i can sense it on her. but she hides it really well, she seems very inhuman.

[Crimson Mistress]: *enters her room and shuts the door quietly behind herself. For a moment she stood there in silence, then she looked around.* If only I had... ah, here it is.. *she had located a desk at the far side of her room and managed to find some paper in one of the ornate wooden drawers.* Now I just need a pencil... *she murmured to herself*

[Tainted_blood]: hmm if shes not human then ... what is she... well I guess its not my place to find out but it intrigues me

[Nazarath.93]: no shes human, her blood is human anyways.

[Tainted_blood]: well you know what i mean but I dont know what you mean cuz you wouldnt let me have any... haha

[Nazarath.93]: *smiles* she was my kill.

[Tainted_blood]: *looks up* but I wanted to have some fun too *smiles*

[Nazarath.93]: well she was my "fun"

[Tainted_blood]: I never get to have fun

[Nazarath.93]: hehehe, well maybe you can find some young girl like i did and inflict some fear in her. just trying to butt in to my feeding time isnt really fair, considering that i wouldnt cut in for you.

[Tainted_blood]: well i was so hunting her before you came so technically u so owe me

[Nazarath.93]: *smiles* okay *duplicates self* there have fun with me. *flies off*

[Tainted_blood]: A duplicate is all im worth *turns back to drawings*

[Nazarath.93]: *smiles*

[Tainted_blood]: *rolls eyes continues to draw strange shapes in the graves*

[Crimson Mistress]: *finds a pencil and begins to sketch out a rough map of what she'd seen of the complex, scribing a small eternity sign in the top lefthand corner of the paper. Suddenly, the map began to swim before her eyes and she was forced to close them. Taking a steady breath, she flipped the paper over, set down the pencil and moved unsteadily towards the bed.* So lightheaded.. *she whispered uneasily, sinking down on to the bed and stretching out, staring at the ceiling* Great timing... it must be the loss of blood..

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: *walks into room with tainted and duplicate* wheres Nazarath?

[Tainted_blood]: like I know anymore he just left this thing and went on his way ...

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: *sighs* alright *vanishes*

[Crimson Mistress]: *slowly but surely surrenders to the dreams that claim her*

[de Morte]: *walks around the castle testing the air...* i believe i shall go on a hunt tonight.... *goes to find nazarath*

[Vallaincourt]: [O.o ish dead]

[Tainted_blood]: death?

[Crimson Mistress]: *wakes with a start, opening her eyes and sitting up abruptly. It took her a moment or two to gather her bearings, but she did so quickly and rose to her feet, running a hand through her hair to tame her ebony tresses. Quickly, she slipped Nathaniel's ring into her pocket and folded the map in four, shoving it in her back pocket before again exiting her room* [occ: Yeah, I noticed... what havoc will I cause to change that >.> *ebil giggle*]

[†SYN†]: *she walks in the doors and looks around, she slightly smiles*

[Tainted_blood]: *sniffs the air*... something has changed...*climbs to cieling*

[de Morte]: hmmm i think tonight is very peaceful... i wont bother him... *goes to sit "helplessly" on the side of the road hopeing to lure some prey*

[Tainted_blood]: *I climb into an open window at the end of a long coridor and stretch my wings out and I sniff the air* Theres something new here... but what?*I jump off the window and fly up to the sky*

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